Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's in London!

After much debate and indecisiveness, I went to London for New Year's with Hiroki. It was pretty excellent. We rode the train there and there was basically no one on it. The fireworks were way better than I've ever seen, and I think that I have seen a pretty good amount of fireworks. Afterwards, we walked around London and although we were supposed to stay there ended up staying up all night and meeting some crazy Italian girl, Indian and Welsh dude and talked to them for about an hour. Rather than sleep, it was 6 in the morning so we headed up to the bus station. We missed the first bus, and ended up eating waffles and going home. Talk to you soon!


  1. very very cool! we just watched tv on my new flatscreen HD 48" TV john bought us!!! its awesome. we stuck the old 55" tv in the den (there's no room in it LOL) for the Wii, SonyPlaystation and XBOX 360....LOL Sounds like you are having fun. xoxo

  2. OMG this is so cool. Thank you, Nicole, for brining me into the 21st century with blogging. Now if I can just figure out how to do a cool picture like Karen. Also, it would be cool to be able to exit out of this Comment.
