Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Miami Beach

Apparently there's like this ginormous snow storm happening in PA today. It had to be like 55 or 60 here because I went jogging on the beach and I wasn't even really that cold. It was a really nice day here, I went to town and got a few things, now I'm at the library checking books out for the weekend train ride. Classes went well yesterday, I think they may be a little difficult but I will manage. I bought these boots today and they are really nice but they make my feet hurt so I might take them back. I took some pictures of my room so hopefully I will post them later today. Other than that, nothing new. I finished my rought draft paper last night and am going to a session tomorrow to edit. Then I will hand it in on Friday, have class in the early morning, and off to Windsor! I will probably end up staying in that area until like Monday, because I don't have class so basically why not. I can just take my reading with me. Cheers!

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