Monday, January 26, 2009

Not a place to take a Bath

Hello All,

So the end of this past week was basically me getting registered for classes. I'm taking three classes:

The History of Screen Animation

New Screen Technologies: Video-Games, Internet, and Mobile Phones

Creativity, the Arts and the Young Child

I have class on Tuesdays from 11-2 and 2-4 (my time, so subtract 5 hours from you), Thursday from 12-3, and Friday from 9:30-12.

I went to Bath on Saturday and from there to Oxford. It was my first time riding a train by myself! The train rides were nice, and the ride from Oxford to Swansea is probably remarkable during the light hours of the day.

Bath is a neat city. Most of the buildings are the same color and much of the architecture looks the same; you don't really find that in the U.S. However, my camera BROKE during the trip so I only have a few photos. Hopefully I can get more from the memory card if it will turn on. I'm borrowing Hiroki's camera until I get a new one :)

I found out that Ang is probably coming to visit in February! I'm very excited.

Anyway, in Bath, we went to the Jane Austen museum but didn't go in because I didn't feel like paying $20 and it looked really small but I went in and can say I was there. Then we went to tea in Sally Lunn's house, which was the oldest house in Bath. Apparently Sally Lunn Buns are famous.

After Bath I took the train to Oxford and spent the next day there. I met some of Hiroki's hilarious friends and saw more of his campus. I mostly just worked on a paper because it is due next week and because I'm going to be away I want to make sure it is done. I start classes tomorrow, wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. hey that is soooooooooooo great ange is coming to visit in february!!!!! i am so excited for you and her!! that will be so much fun!!!!! btw, i love all of your pictures nickie!!!! love you! aunt k
