Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend Update! with Nicole Henninger

I haven't written in awhile, so here is my story!
I've had a busy and rough week getting everything sorted out for Spring Break and all of the work that is coming after it. Here is my itinerary:

March 20th-24: Dublin, Cork, Killarney IRELAND
March 24th-29th: Madrid, Barcelona SPAIN
March 29th-April 3rd: Athens, and random Greek Islands for a cruise!! Check out the cruise here:
April 3rd-4th: Travel back to London to pick up Jeph for.....
April 5th-April 12th: Rome, Florence, Venice ITALY! :)

I will post more when I actually print everything out and have my exact dates for each city.

In the meantime, check out this video of a friend of mine singing at an open-mic night! With comments from Jeph!

I had a little visit from Hiroki this weekend so I showed him a bit of Swansea and on the way to the train station we met up with Jeph and ate at the Gourmet B (Burger king!)

That's about it!

I have to move all of my stuff out by Thursday night as I'm leaving on Friday morning to go to Dublin :) It's gonna be a hectic week, but I think I'm ready for it.

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