Thursday, January 27, 2011


I wish I were seeing this right now- instead I'm experiencing "Thundersnow".

Who thought of combining these two weather words to make what is called, "Thundersnow"? I'm not too sure, but this so-called "thundersnow" hit up the east coast last night and was quite a sight.

I'm wondering where our generations stopped helping older people and their parents. Why is it that kids have to be told to help their parents shovel the driveway? Why don't kids see that their parents have given them everything over the past X years, and want to repay them through this small chore?

We need to take a step back, and think about what we are doing as a whole society. Clearly, the American, "Every man for himself" is not working.

On another note, one of my favorite production companies, "Wong Fu Productions" got an article on NPR. Congratulations to them, I glad that they are getting national recognition for the talent that they deserve. One of the reasons why I like them so much is because they provide clean, fun, sassy, entertainment that is free of cursing, violence, and sex. Bring back the art of film-making, Wong fu!

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